Expression of the School of radical thought
This title, “Introduction to intercultural philosophy of liberation” is the full text of the topic that developed the young philosopher and professor Fernando Proto Gurtierrez in the “International Studies Symposium” decolonial “epistemological shifts of power, of being and knowledge “, held at the Université Lumière Lyon2, France, from 7 to 8 December 2015.
Proto Fernando Gutierrez is the founder of the School of Radical Thought and its organ of expression, FAIA, Journal of Philosophy Afro-Indo–American institutions that have their headquarters in Buenos Aries, Argentina. In his paper, the author based on the quadripartite logic, proposes a method aimed to “think, in terms of the transcendent mystical lift (not circunvalatoria) -” to be able to join the intercontinental philosophies on indissoluble embrace of multiculturalism.